Consisting of thirteen men and women, Consistory meets the first Monday of every month, and is charged with the duty of overseeing the total life and faith of the congregation. Members are elected annually as either Elders or Deacons. Elders are appointed to assist and support the Ministers of the Word in general government of the Church. They form, with the Minister, a council in common for the spiritual supervision of the flock which is committed to their care. Deacons are appointed to assist and support the Pastor in those ministrations which pertain to the more outward needs of the general household of faith. They are to aid in securing funds necessary for the support of the Church in its various activities.
Board of Christian Education
The board oversees the Sunday School programs with classes available for every age group. Sunday School classes start a 9:30 AM each Sunday September through May. Opening gatherings are held the first Sunday of each month along with a Coffee Hour.
The Church is blessed with talented musicians. Under the leadership of a trained and skilled choir director and organist, members of the congregation are blessed with special music every Sunday. Open to all singers, the four-part choir rehearses Thursday at 7:00 PM, September through May.
Men's Fellowship
This dedicated group meets for breakfast on the first Wednesday of each month. The group spends time in fellowship and prayer, along with occasional odd jobs around the church. The group is open to men of any age.
First Ladies
This organization has no age boundaries-all are welcome whenever it fits in one's schedule. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month(unless otherwise notified) at the church at 12 Noon. Each brings a bag lunch and a dessert and beverage is provided. Our purpose is simply to promote fellowship and be of service. Currently our main focus is Someplace Safe and personal cards for veterans in the VA Hospital in Cleveland twice a year. We enjoy varied, informal programs such as armchair yoga, an occasional speaker, seasonal craft, etc., or just a time of being together. Always room for more!
Consisting of thirteen men and women, Consistory meets the first Monday of every month, and is charged with the duty of overseeing the total life and faith of the congregation. Members are elected annually as either Elders or Deacons. Elders are appointed to assist and support the Ministers of the Word in general government of the Church. They form, with the Minister, a council in common for the spiritual supervision of the flock which is committed to their care. Deacons are appointed to assist and support the Pastor in those ministrations which pertain to the more outward needs of the general household of faith. They are to aid in securing funds necessary for the support of the Church in its various activities.
Board of Christian Education
The board oversees the Sunday School programs with classes available for every age group. Sunday School classes start a 9:30 AM each Sunday September through May. Opening gatherings are held the first Sunday of each month along with a Coffee Hour.
The Church is blessed with talented musicians. Under the leadership of a trained and skilled choir director and organist, members of the congregation are blessed with special music every Sunday. Open to all singers, the four-part choir rehearses Thursday at 7:00 PM, September through May.
Men's Fellowship
This dedicated group meets for breakfast on the first Wednesday of each month. The group spends time in fellowship and prayer, along with occasional odd jobs around the church. The group is open to men of any age.
First Ladies
This organization has no age boundaries-all are welcome whenever it fits in one's schedule. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month(unless otherwise notified) at the church at 12 Noon. Each brings a bag lunch and a dessert and beverage is provided. Our purpose is simply to promote fellowship and be of service. Currently our main focus is Someplace Safe and personal cards for veterans in the VA Hospital in Cleveland twice a year. We enjoy varied, informal programs such as armchair yoga, an occasional speaker, seasonal craft, etc., or just a time of being together. Always room for more!